Friday, September 30, 2022


Opening concert

"Rome, 1700: Corelli's Apotheosis
Venue: Chapelle Saint-Stanislas
Schedule: 8:30pm

Welcome to the Rome of 1700! Marine Sablonnière, Victor Aragon and Bertrand Cuiller invite you to experience the Apotheosis of a great composer celebrated throughout Europe his peers, Archangelo Corelli.

Musicians :

Marine Sablonnière: recorder

Victor Aragon: viola da gamba

Bertrand Cuiller: harpsichord

Saturday, October 1, 2022



"Past and Present
Location: Chapelle Saint-Stanislas
Schedule: 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm

Conrad Steinmann invites you to experience a highly personal hymn to song in a superb solo concert in which time merges, the past comes to life in the present and the present is reflected in the past. the present is reflected in the past.

Musicians :

Conrad Steinmann: recorder, flageolet



"Rococo in all its states!
Location: Chapelle Saint-Stanislas
Schedule: 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Florence Malgoire and the ensemble La CAMERATA CHIARA invite you to discover the sound closest to the Rococo aesthetic, spanning from 1690 to around 1790. A period and style period and style in its own right, constantly seeking refinement, elegance and softness mixed with tempestuous, thunderous affects, it coexisted with Baroque and Classicism and was often confused with these two other styles. styles.

Musicians :

Florence Malgoire: baroque violin

Lucas Bracher: cello

Grégoire Franco: recorder

Peter Chorkov: recorder

Elijah Daguin: harpsichord



"The Seven Doves, a Neapolitan tale by Giambattista Basile.
Location: Chapelle Saint-Stanislas
Schedule: 2 pm - 3 pm

Translated by Françoise Decroisette, who is honoring us with a talk on this tale at 11:30 am.

Seven brothers are turned into doves because of their sister's thoughtlessness. She sets off across the world to restore them to human form and bring them home. Will she succeed? Come live in music and words, with the LES ALIZÉS ensemble, the unusual adventures of this quest imagined in the early 17th century by the Neapolitan storyteller Giambattista Basile. Italian Baroque music and words weave together. They conjure up subtle, madcap images and atmospheres of drama and comedy. "Les sept colombes", a tale set to music, an adaptation of the tale of the Seven Doves, taken from the collection Le Conte des contes(Lo Cunto de li cunti) written around 1625. This program is designed for children aged seven and over, their families and friends, and anyone else who's curious.

Storyteller :

Benoît Humbert

Musicians :

Clémence Comte: recorder

Parsival Caqtro: theorbo

Vincent Kibildis :harp



"To the origins of dance!"
Location: Chapelle Saint-Stanislas
Schedule: 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Which societies and which eras have not experienced the ritual, social, sacred or purely jubilant act of the communion of bodies and music? A universal and timeless art form, Western dance is the subject of the INTO THE WINDS ensemble's program to explore the origins of its steps.

Musicians :

Adrien Reboisson: chalemie, bombarde, douçaine, recorder

Anabelle Guibeaud: chalemie, douçaine, recorder

Laurent Sauron: percussion

Marion Le Moal: bombarde, douçaine, recorder

Rémi Lécorché: Sackbut, Slide trumpet, Buspipe, Recorder

13 bis

The polyfolies surprise

Free admission
Venue: Chapelle Saint-Stanislas
Schedule: 6:45pm - 7pm